Config File

This is the default config file

Config = {
    Framework = "qb-core", -- Folder Name
    Target = "qb-target", -- Folder Name
    Debug = true,
    Notify = "qb", -- "qb" or "okok" or "infinity" or "rr" or "t"
    Menu = "qb", -- qb or ox
    Inv = "qb", -- qb or ox

Config.Blips = {
    {title = 'Cocaine Field', colour = 3, id = 51, coords = vector3(2829.24, -1468.1, 11.43), scale = 0.6, useblip = true},
    {title = 'Gasoline Tankers', colour = 3, id = 51, coords = vector3(-1932.35, 3038.86, 32.81), scale = 0.6, useblip = true},
    {title = 'Airport Carts', colour = 3, id = 51, coords = vector3(-1150.35, -2566.99, 13.94), scale = 0.6, useblip = true},
    {title = 'Cocaine Processing', colour = 3, id = 51, coords = vector3(909.57, -1589.17, 30.51), scale = 0.6, useblip = true},
    {title = 'Crack Processing', colour = 3, id = 51, coords = vector3(2438.01, 4975.88, 47.98), scale = 0.6, useblip = true},

Config.DrugMaterials = {
    ConstructionSite = {
        Animations = {
            Dict = 'anim@amb@business@weed@weed_inspecting_lo_med_hi@', -- Animation dictonary for progress bar
            Anim = 'weed_crouch_checkingleaves_idle_01_inspector', -- Animation for progress bar
            Flags = 9 -- Animation flags for progress bar
        Prop = 'prop_cons_cements01', -- Prop used for building materials if you wish to change the prop do so here
        Time = math.random(2,4), -- Time in (s) to collect building materials
        Range = 2.0, -- Range between yourself and closest prop type
        Chance = 70, -- Chance to collect building materials successfully 10 = 10% - 100 = 100%
        Alert = 30, -- Chance to send alert to police
        Cooldown = 30, -- Cooldown timer in (mins) 10 = 10mins, 15 = 15mins, etc etc..
        Stress = math.random(1,8), -- Stress gained by failing to collect building materials
        RewardItems = {
            [1] = {item = 'cement', receiveamount = {min = 1, max = 2}},
    Benzocaine = {
        Animations = {
            Dict = 'anim@amb@business@weed@weed_inspecting_lo_med_hi@', -- Animation dictonary for progress bar
            Anim = 'weed_crouch_checkingleaves_idle_01_inspector', -- Animation for progress bar
            Flags = 49 -- Animation flags for progress bar
        Prop = 'prop_air_cargo_01b', -- Prop used for building materials if you wish to change the prop do so here
        Time = math.random(8,14), -- Time in (s) to collect building materials
        Range = 2.0, -- Range between yourself and closest prop type
        Chance = 80, -- Chance to collect building materials successfully 10 = 10% - 100 = 100%
        Alert = 30, -- Chance to send alert to police on failiure to collect
        Stress = math.random(1,4), -- Stress gained by failing to collect building materials
        Cooldown = 60, -- Cooldown timer in (mins) 10 = 10mins, 15 = 15mins, etc etc..
        RewardItems = { -- High chance reward items for searching airplane carts you can add anything here
            [1] = {item = 'benzocaine', receiveamount = {min = 1, max = 2}},
    IllegalGasoline = {
        Animations = {
            Dict = 'anim@amb@business@weed@weed_inspecting_lo_med_hi@', -- Animation dictonary for progress bar
            Anim = 'weed_crouch_checkingleaves_idle_01_inspector', -- Animation for progress bar
            Flags = 49 -- Animation flags for progress bar
        Prop = 'prop_air_fueltrail2', -- Prop used for illegal gasoline if you wish to change the prop do so here
        Time = math.random(8,15), -- Time in (s) to collect illegal gasoline
        Range = 2.0, -- Range between yourself and closest prop type
        Chance = 50, -- Chance to collect illegal gasoline successfully 10 = 10% - 100 = 100%
        Alert = 100, -- Chance to send alert to police on failiure to collect 10 = 10% - 100 = 100%
        Stress = math.random(1,8), -- Stress gained by failing to collect illegal gasoline
        Cooldown = 60, -- Cooldown timer in (mins) 10 = 10mins, 15 = 15mins, etc etc..
        Required = {name = 'plasticjerrycan', amount = 1}, -- Item required to collect illegal gasoline
        Return = {name = 'illegalgasoline', receiveamount = {min = 1, max = 1}}, -- Item returned by collecting illegal gasoline
    CocaPlants = {
        Animations = {
            Dict = 'anim@amb@business@weed@weed_inspecting_lo_med_hi@', -- Animation dictonary for progress bar
            Anim = 'weed_crouch_checkingleaves_idle_01_inspector', -- Animation for progress bar
            Flags = 9 -- Animation flags for progress bar
        Field = vector3(2829.24, -1468.1, 11.43), -- Location of coca plants change the coords here to move the field
        Prop = 'prop_bush_dead_02', -- Cocaine plant prop to spawn at field location
        Plants = 15, -- Amount of plants to spawn
        Distance = 100, -- How close/far you should be to spawn/delete cocaplants
        Range = 2.0, -- Range between yourself and closest prop type
        Time = math.random(2,5), -- Time in (s) to harvest coca plants
        Chance = 75, -- Chance to harvest coca plants successfully 10 = 10% - 100 = 100%
        Stress = math.random(1,8), -- Stress gained by failing to pick coca plants
        Required = {name = 'drug_shears'}, -- Item required to prospect rocks
        Return = {name = 'cocaleaf', receiveamount = {min = 1, max = 3}}, -- Item to receive from coca plants

Config.TakeDrugs = {
    Crack = {
        Enable = true, -- If you want to make it consumable
        Animations = {
            Dict = 'switch@trevor@trev_smoking_meth', -- Animation dictonary for taking 
            Anim = 'trev_smoking_meth_loop', -- Animation for taking 
            Flags = 49 -- Animation flags for taking 
        Armour = {min = 10, max = 30}, -- %
        Stress = {min = 10, max = 30}, -- %
        Effects = true, -- Enables screen effects; true = enabled, false = disabled 
        Time = math.random(5,8), -- Time in (s) to take
        Requiredlighter = {Enabled = true, item = 'lighter'}
    Cocaine = {
        Enable = true, -- If you want to make it consumable
        Animations = {
            Dict = 'switch@trevor@trev_smoking_meth', -- Animation dictonary for taking 
            Anim = 'trev_smoking_meth_loop', -- Animation for taking 
            Flags = 49 -- Animation flags for taking 
        Armour = {min = 10, max = 30}, -- %
        Stress = {min = 10, max = 30}, -- %
        Effects = true, -- Enables screen effects; true = enabled, false = disabled 
        Time = math.random(5,8) -- Time in (s) to take

Config.Processing = {
    Crack = {
        Animations = {
            Dict = 'amb@prop_human_bbq@male@base', -- Animations used to process
            Anim = 'base', -- Animations used to process
            Flags = 49 -- Animation flags used to process
        Times = {
            Use = false, -- Enables time locks on processing; true = enabled, false = disabled - can process 24/7
            Start = 10, -- Time you can start processing 
            End = 21 -- Cut off time for processing 
        Time = math.random(10,18), -- Time in (s) to process
        Alert = 0, -- Chance to send alert to police when processing
        Required = {
            [1] = {name = 'coke_1oz', amount = 1},
            [2] = {name = 'sodiumbicarbonate', amount = 5},
            [3] = {name = 'water_bottle', amount = 3}
        Return = {name = 'crack_1oz', receiveamount = {min = 3, max = 7}}
    Cocaine = {
        Animations = {
            Dict = 'anim@amb@board_room@supervising@', -- Animations used to process
            Anim = 'think_01_hi_amy_skater_01', -- Animations used to process
            Flags = 49 -- Animation flags used to process
        Times = {
            Use = true, -- Enables time locks on processing; true = enabled, false = disabled - can process 24/7
            Start = 10, -- Time you can start processing
            End = 21 -- Cut off time for processing
        Time = math.random(10,18), -- Time in (s) to process
        Alert = 30, -- Chance to send alert to police when processing
        Required = {
            [1] = {name = 'cocaleaf', amount = 10},
            [2] = {name = 'illegalgasoline', amount = 3},
            [3] = {name = 'cement', amount = 3},
            [4] = {name = 'benzocaine', amount = 5}
        Return = {name = 'coke_1oz', receiveamount = {min = 1, max = 3}}

Config.DrugCutting = {
    Animations = {
        Dict = 'amb@prop_human_parking_meter@female@base', -- Animation dictonary for cutting drugs
        Anim = 'base_female', -- Animation for cutting drugs
        Flags = 49, -- Animation flags for cutting drugs
    Time = math.random(2,4), -- Time in (s) to cut drugs
    EquipmentRequired = { -- Equipment required for cutting both, crack and coke. Does not get removed from inventory
        [1] = { name = 'drug_cuttingkit'},
        [2] = { name = 'drug_scales'}
    Crack = {
        Required = {
            [1] = {name = 'empty_weed_bag', amount = 1},
            [2] = {name = 'crack_1oz', amount = 1}
        Return = {name = 'crack_baggy', receiveamount = {min = 1, max = 1}}
    Cocaine = {
        Required = {
            [1] = {name = 'empty_weed_bag', amount = 1},
            [2] = {name = 'coke_1oz', amount = 1}
        Return = {name = 'cokebaggy', receiveamount = {min = 1, max = 1}}

Config.Blackmarket = {
    label = "BlackMarket",
    slots = 3,
    items = { -- You need to add your own items here, any you want.
        { name = 'empty_weed_bag', price = 2, amount = 500, info = {}, type = 'item', slot = 1},
        { name = 'drug_cuttingkit', price = 1000, amount = 50, info = {}, type = 'item', slot = 2},
        { name = 'drug_scales', price = 1500, amount = 50, info = {}, type = 'item', slot = 3}

Locale = {
    ["DrugProcessing"] = "Drug Processing",
    ["nolighter"] = "You do not have a lighter!",
    ["LackCutEquipment"] = "You lack correct equipment to cut drugs. You need a ",
    ["AlreadySearched"] = "You have already searched this location, come back later..",
    ["FailedSearch"] = "Failed to search for items",
    ["RequireCut"] = "Require: ",

    -- ProgressBar
    ["CementCollect"] = "Search Through Materials..",
    ["BenzocaineCollect"] = "Searching Cart..",
    ["GasolineCollect"] = "Collecting Gasoline..",
    ["CocaPlantsCollect"] = "Collecting Coca Leaves..",
    ["ProcessCocaine"] = "Processing Cocaine..",
    ["ProcessCrack"] = "Processing Crack..",
    ["UsingCocaine"] = "Smoking Coke..",
    ["UsingCrack"] = "Sniffing Crack..",
    ["CuttingDrugs"] = "Cutting Drugs..",
    ["Cancelled"] = "Cancelled..",

    -- Police Dispatch Labels
        ["ConstructionSite"] = "Suspicious Activity",
        ["Benzocaine"] = "Suspicious Activity",
        ["IllegalGasoline"] = "Suspicious Activity",
        ["Crack"] = "Suspicious Activity",
        ["Cocaine"] = "Suspicious Activity",

    ["DoNotHaveItem"] = "Do not have required item",
    ['cocaineprocessorclosed'] = 'Come back later between '..Config.Processing.Cocaine.Times.Start..' and '..Config.Processing.Cocaine.Times.End..' ..', -- Notification
    ['crackprocessorclosed'] = 'Come back later between '..Config.Processing.Crack.Times.Start..' and '..Config.Processing.Crack.Times.End..' ..', -- Notification

Last updated