
White Widow Job


STEP 1 - Unzip and Add Script To Server

Unzip the script folder within your server resources folder. Ensure script in server.cfg ... "ensure ns-whitewidow". ( NOTE : Please don't change the script name or folder name.)

STEP 2 - Script Configuration

When you open the config file you'll see a lines of codes to configure it to your server.

STEP 2.1 - Dependency Configuration

Framework = "qb-core", -- framework folder name
Target = "qb-target", -- qb-target or ox_target (If you have renamed qb-target then enter the name you have renamed it to)
Menu = "qb", -- "qb" or "ox"
Notify = "qb", -- "qb" or "okok" or "infinity" or "rr" or "t"
Fuel = "LegacyFuel", -- "LegacyFuel" or "ps-fuel" or more 
Inv = "qb", -- 'qb' or 'ox' or 'qs'
Locale = "en",
img = "qb-inventory/html/images/", -- Change this to your inventory's name and image folder (SET TO "" IF YOU HAVE DOUBLE IMAGES)
Clothing = "qb-clothing", -- "illenium-appearance" or "fivem-appearance" or "qb-clothing" or "rcore_clothes" or "ak47_clothing"

STEP 2.2 - Job Configuration

name = "whitewidow",
autoClock = { enter = true, exit = true, }, -- Turning these on will detect if the person has the job and auto clock them on or off
zones = { -- Clockin/out zone
	vector2(214.04, -233.81),
	vector2(198.06, -275.28),
	vector2(147.99, -256.14),
	vector2(163.31, -218.23)

This is an auto clock in and out feature which you can enable or disable.

"enter = true": automatically clocks in worker with job "whitewidow"

"exit = true": automatically clocks out worker with job "whitewidow"

STEP 2.3 - Bong Configuration

-- Bong
SmokeTime = 2.8, -- For Bong in seconds
HighTime = 30, -- For Bong in seconds
Bong = 'prop_bong_01',
Tolerance = {
	[10] = {high = 1, sick = 3},
	[20] = {high = 3, sick = 5},
	[30] = {high = 5, sick = 7},
	[40] = {high = 7, sick = 9},
	[50] = {high = 9, sick = 11},
Strains = { -- what items you can use to smoke bong
bongtables = { -- Locations of tables with bongs to smoke
	[1] = vector3(199.54, -247.01, 53.07),
	[2] = vector3(195.73, -257.55, 53.07),
	[3] = vector3(193.71, -263.11, 53.07),
	[4] = vector3(192.02, -267.75, 53.07),
	[5] = vector3(183.75, -264.74, 53.07),
	[6] = vector3(186.01, -258.53, 53.07),
	[7] = vector3(197.35, -253.1, 53.07),
	[8] = vector3(188.09, -252.81, 53.07),

Here you can adjust the bong settings. You can adjust how long it takes to take a puff of the bong, and how long does the effects last.

You can also adjust the tolerance, the amount of times you can take puffs without affecting your player.

Here, it also allows you to add items which can be smoked using the bong, e.g. 'weed_ak47_cbd'.

Bong tables are locations for where bong props exists (On every table on white widow mlo). It makes the tables targetable to smoke bong without any items. You are able to add your own locations to the list if you wish too.

STEP 2.4 - Joint Configuration

-- Joints
Joint = {
	SmokeTime = 5.5,  -- For Joint in seconds; Time taken to smoke a joint
	Armour = { -- Out of 100
		Skunk = math.random(1,5),
		OGKush = math.random(3,8),
		AK47 = math.random(9,13),
		WhiteWidow = math.random(5,11),
	Stress = { -- Out of 100
		Skunk = math.random(1,5),
		OGKush = math.random(3,8),
		AK47 = math.random(9,13),
		WhiteWidow = math.random(5,11),

Here you can adjust the joints settings. You can adjust how long it takes to smoke a joint.

You can also adjust the amount of armor and stress you gain and lose, for each different joint.

-- Cookies
Cookie = {
	EatTime = 6.5,
	Health = 5,
	Armour = { -- Out of 100
		Skunk = math.random(1,5),
		AK47 = math.random(9,13),
		WhiteWidow = math.random(5,11),
	Seconds = { -- amount of seconds you want health to be given, more seconds = more health 
		Skunk = math.random(1,5),
		AK47 = math.random(9,13),
		WhiteWidow = math.random(5,11),
	Stress = { -- Out of 100
		Skunk = math.random(1,5),
		AK47 = math.random(9,13),
		WhiteWidow = math.random(5,11),

Here you can adjust the cookies settings. You can adjust how long it takes to eat a cookie.

You can also adjust the amount of health and stress you gain and lose, for each different cookie.

STEP 2.6 - Gummy Configuration

-- Gummies
Gummy = {
	EatTime = 3.5,
	Armour = { -- Out of 100
		Strawberry = math.random(10,15),
		Raspberry = math.random(10,15),
	Stress = { -- Out of 100
		Strawberry = math.random(10,15),
		Raspberry = math.random(10,15),

Here you can adjust the gummies settings. You can adjust how long it takes to eat a gummy.

You can also adjust the amount of stress you lose, for each different gummy.

Gummies also give you the ability to sprint faster.

STEP 3 - Inventory Images

Add your images to your inventory script, e.g:

[qb] > qb-inventory > html > images

STEP 4 - Add Items to QbCore

In [qb] > qb-core > shared> items.lua

-- Whitewidow items	
    ['whitewidow_menu'] 	 	    = {['name'] = 'whitewidow_menu', 			['label'] = 'White Widow Menu', 			['weight'] = 1000, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'wwmenu.png', 			['unique'] = true, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = true,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'Thinking of what to buy? Look at me!'},
    -- Crop
    ['weed_skunk_cbd_crop'] 	 	    = {['name'] = 'weed_skunk_cbd_crop', 			['label'] = 'CBD Skunk Crop', 			['weight'] = 1200, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_skunk_cbd_crop.png', 			['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = false, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'A crop of CBD Skunk!'},
    ['weed_og-kush_cbd_crop'] 	 	    = {['name'] = 'weed_og-kush_cbd_crop', 			['label'] = 'CBD OG Kush Crop', 		['weight'] = 1200, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_og-kush_cbd_crop.png', 		['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = false, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'A crop of CBD OG Kush'},
    ['weed_white-widow_cbd_crop'] 	    = {['name'] = 'weed_white-widow_cbd_crop',  	['label'] = 'CBD White Widow Crop', 	['weight'] = 1200, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_white-widow_cbd_crop.png', 	['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = false, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'A crop of CBD White Widow'},
    ['weed_ak47_cbd_crop'] 		    = {['name'] = 'weed_ak47_cbd_crop', 	    	['label'] = 'CBD AK 47 Crop', 			['weight'] = 1200, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_ak47_cbd_crop.png', 			['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = false, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'A crop of CBD AK47!'},
    ['weed_amnesia_cbd_crop'] 		    = {['name'] = 'weed_amnesia_cbd_crop',  		['label'] = 'CBD Amnesia Crop', 		['weight'] = 1200, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_amnesia_cbd_crop.png', 		['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = false, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'A crop of CBD Amnesia!'},
    ['weed_purple-haze_cbd_crop'] 	    = {['name'] = 'weed_purple-haze_cbd_crop', 	    ['label'] = 'CBD Purple-Haze Crop', 	['weight'] = 1200, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_purple-haze_cbd_crop.png', 	['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = false, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'A crop of CBD Purple-Haze!'},
    ['weed_gelato_cbd_crop'] 		    = {['name'] = 'weed_gelato_cbd_crop',  			['label'] = 'CBD Gelato Crop', 			['weight'] = 1200, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_gelato_cbd_crop.png', 		['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = false, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'A crop of CBD Gelato!'},
    ['weed_zkittlez_cbd_crop'] 		    = {['name'] = 'weed_zkittlez_cbd_crop',  		['label'] = 'CBD Zkittlez Crop', 		['weight'] = 1200, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_zkittlez_cbd_crop.png', 		['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = false, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'A crop of CBD Zkittlez!'},
    -- Bags 
    ['weed_skunk_cbd'] 			    = {['name'] = 'weed_skunk_cbd', 				['label'] = 'CBD Skunk 2g', 			['weight'] = 2, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_skunk_cbd.png', 				['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'A 2g bag of CBD Skunk!'},
    ['weed_og-kush_cbd'] 		    = {['name'] = 'weed_og-kush_cbd', 				['label'] = 'CBD OGKush 2g', 			['weight'] = 2, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_og-kush_cbd.png', 			['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'A 2g bag of CBD OG Kush!'},
    ['weed_white-widow_cbd'] 	 	    = {['name'] = 'weed_white-widow_cbd', 	    	['label'] = 'CBD White Widow 2g', 		['weight'] = 2, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_white-widow_cbd.png', 		['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'A 2g bag of CBD White Widow!'},
    ['weed_ak47_cbd'] 			    = {['name'] = 'weed_ak47_cbd', 					['label'] = 'CBD AK47 2g', 				['weight'] = 2, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_ak47_cbd.png', 			    ['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'A 2g bag of CBD AK47!'},
    ['weed_amnesia_cbd'] 		    = {['name'] = 'weed_amnesia_cbd',  				['label'] = 'CBD Amnesia 2g', 			['weight'] = 2, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_amnesia_cbd.png', 			['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'A 2g bag of CBD Amnesia!'},
    ['weed_purple-haze_cbd'] 		    = {['name'] = 'weed_purple-haze_cbd', 	    	['label'] = 'CBD Purple-Haze 2g', 		['weight'] = 2, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_purple-haze_cbd.png', 		['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'A 2g bag of CBD Purple-Haze!'},
    ['weed_gelato_cbd'] 		    = {['name'] = 'weed_gelato_cbd',  				['label'] = 'CBD Gelato 2g', 			['weight'] = 2, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_gelato_cbd.png', 				['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'A 2g bag of CBD Gelato!'},
    ['weed_zkittlez_cbd'] 		    = {['name'] = 'weed_zkittlez_cbd',  			['label'] = 'CBD Zkittles 2g', 			['weight'] = 2, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_zkittlez_cbd.png', 			['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'A 2g bag of CBD Zkittlez!'},
    -- Joints   
    ['weed_skunk_cbd_joint'] 	            = {['name'] = 'weed_skunk_cbd_joint', 			['label'] = 'CBD Skunk Joint', 			['weight'] = 1, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_skunk_cbd_joint.png', 		['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'Light up that skunk son!'},
    ['weed_og-kush_cbd_joint'] 		    = {['name'] = 'weed_og-kush_cbd_joint', 		['label'] = 'CBD OG Kush Joint', 		['weight'] = 1, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_og-kush_cbd_joint.png', 		['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'Light up that og kush son!'},
    ['weed_white-widow_cbd_joint'] 	    = {['name'] = 'weed_white-widow_cbd_joint', 	['label'] = 'CBD White Widow Joint', 	['weight'] = 1, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_white-widow_cbd_joint.png', 	['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'Light up that white widow son!'},
    ['weed_ak47_cbd_joint'] 		    = {['name'] = 'weed_ak47_cbd_joint', 			['label'] = 'CBD AK 47 Joint', 			['weight'] = 1, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_ak47_cbd_joint.png', 			['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'Light up that ak47 son!'},
    ['weed_amnesia_cbd_joint'] 		    = {['name'] = 'weed_amnesia_cbd_joint',  		['label'] = 'CBD Amnesia Joint', 		['weight'] = 1, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_amnesia_cbd_joint.png', 			['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'Light up that amnesia son!'},
    ['weed_purple-haze_cbd_joint'] 	    = {['name'] = 'weed_purple-haze_cbd_joint', 	['label'] = 'CBD Purple-Haze Joint', 	['weight'] = 1, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_purple-haze_cbd_joint.png', 		['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'Light up that purple haze son!'},
    ['weed_gelato_cbd_joint'] 		    = {['name'] = 'weed_gelato_cbd_joint',  		['label'] = 'CBD Gelato Joint', 		['weight'] = 1, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_gelato_cbd_joint.png', 		['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'Light up that gelato son!'},
    ['weed_zkittlez_cbd_joint'] 	    = {['name'] = 'weed_zkittlez_cbd_joint',  		['label'] = 'CBD Zkittlez Joint', 		['weight'] = 1, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_zkittlez_cbd_joint.png', 		['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = false,   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'Light up that zkittlez son!'},
    -- Tools
    ['drug_shears'] 			    = {['name'] = 'drug_shears', 		        	['label'] = 'Trimming Shears', 			['weight'] = 200, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'drug_shears.png', 					['unique'] = false,    	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = true,	   		['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'A set of high quality trimming shears.'},	
    ["lighter"] 			    = {["name"] = "lighter", 			  	  		["label"] = "Lighter", 					["weight"] = 5, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "lighter.png", 						["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = true,	   		["combinable"] = nil,   	["description"] = "On new years eve a nice fire to stand next to"},
    ["bong"]                                = { ["name"] = "bong",                          ["label"] = "Bong",                 	["weight"] = 500,       ["type"] = "item",      ["image"] = "bong.png",                       	["unique"] = false,     ["useable"] = true, 	["shouldClose"] = true,         ["combinable"] = nil, 		["description"] = "In Australia this is called a \"Billy\""},
    ['empty_weed_bag'] 			    = {['name'] = 'empty_weed_bag', 			    ['label'] = 'Empty Weed Bag', 			['weight'] = 0, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'weed_baggy_empty.png', 			['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = true,	   		['combinable'] = nil,   	['description'] = 'A small empty bag'},
    -- Ingredients
    ["bakingsoda"] 		 	    = {["name"] = "bakingsoda",           		    ["label"] = "Baking Soda",	 		    ["weight"] = 1500, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "bakingsoda.png", 		    		["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false,   		["combinable"] = nil,   	["description"] = "Household Baking Soda!"},
    ["eggs"] 				    = {["name"] = "eggs",  	    				    ["label"] = "Eggs",						["weight"] = 100, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "eggs.png", 						["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = true,   		["combinable"] = nil,   	["description"] = "Eggs", },
    ["sugar"] 				    = {["name"] = "sugar",  			     		["label"] = "Sugar",	 				["weight"] = 100, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "sugar.png", 						["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = false,   		["combinable"] = nil,   	["description"] = "Sugar", },
    ["milk"] 				    = {["name"] = "milk",							["label"] = "Milk",						["weight"] = 200,		["type"] = "item",		["image"] = "milk.png",							["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false,	["shouldClose"] = true,			["combinable"] = nil,		["description"] = "Carton of Milk", },
    ["strawberry"] 			    = {["name"] = "strawberry",  	     			["label"] = "Strawberries",	 			["weight"] = 100, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "strawberry.png", 					["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = true,   		["combinable"] = nil,   	["description"] = "Strawberries", },
    ["butter"] 				    = {["name"] = "butter",  	     				["label"] = "Butter",	 				["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "butter.png", 						["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = true,   		["combinable"] = nil,   	["description"] = "Butter", },
    ["gelatine"] 			    = {["name"] = "gelatine",  	     				["label"] = "Gelatine",	 				["weight"] = 100, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "gelatine.png", 					["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = true,   		["combinable"] = nil,   	["description"] = "Gelatine", },
    ["raspberry"] 			    = {["name"] = "raspberry",  	     			["label"] = "Raspberry",	 			["weight"] = 200, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "raspberry.png", 					["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = true,   		["combinable"] = nil,   	["description"] = "Raspberry", },
    ["gummymould"] 			    = {["name"] = "gummymould",  	     			["label"] = "Gummy Mould",	 			["weight"] = 400, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "gummymould.png", 					["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = true,   		["combinable"] = nil,   	["description"] = "Gummy Mould", },
    ["chocolatechips"] 		            = {["name"] = "chocolatechips",  	     		["label"] = "Chocolate Chips",	 		["weight"] = 400, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "chocolatechips.png", 				["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = true,   		["combinable"] = nil,   	["description"] = "Chocolate Chips", },
    ["flour"] 				    = {["name"] = "flour",  	     				["label"] = "Flour",	 				["weight"] = 400, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "flour.png", 						["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = false, 	["shouldClose"] = true,   		["combinable"] = nil,   	["description"] = "Flour", },
    -- Edibles
    ["strawberrygummybear"] 	            = {["name"] = "strawberrygummybear", 			["label"] = "Strawberry Gummy Bears", 	["weight"] = 1000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "wwgummybear.png", 					["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["shouldClose"] = false,   		["combinable"] = nil,  		["description"] = "Packet of..."},
    ["raspberrygummybear"] 		    = {["name"] = "raspberrygummybear", 			["label"] = "Raspberry Gummy Bears", 	["weight"] = 1000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "wwgummybear.png", 					["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["shouldClose"] = false,   		["combinable"] = nil,   	["description"] = "Packet of..."},
    ["ak47cookie"] 	 		    = {["name"] = "ak47cookie",						["label"] = "AK47 Cookie", 				["weight"] = 1000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "wwcookie.png", 					["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["shouldClose"] = false,   		["combinable"] = nil,   	["description"] = "Yum Cookie..."},
    ["skunkcookie"] 		            = {["name"] = "skunkcookie", 					["label"] = "Skunk Cookie", 			["weight"] = 1000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "wwcookie.png", 					["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["shouldClose"] = false,   		["combinable"] = nil,   	["description"] = "Yum Cookie..."},
    ["wwcookie"] 		 	    = {["name"] = "wwcookie", 						["label"] = "WhiteWidow Cookie", 		["weight"] = 1000, 		["type"] = "item", 		["image"] = "wwcookie.png", 					["unique"] = false, 	["useable"] = true, 	["shouldClose"] = false,   		["combinable"] = nil,   	["description"] = "Yum Cookie..."},

STEP 5 - Add Job to QbCore (Optional)

Whichever job you use, make sure to write its name in the config file...

['whitewidow'] = {
		label = 'Whitewidow',
		defaultDuty = true,
		offDutyPay = false,
		grades = {
            		['0'] = { name = 'Picker', payment = 50 },
			['1'] = { name = 'Deliverer', payment = 75 },
			['2'] = { name = 'Roller', payment = 100 },
			['3'] = { name = 'Manager', isboss = true, payment = 125 },
			['4'] = { name = 'Boss', isboss = true, payment = 150 },

STEP 6 - Run SQL

CREATE TABLE `bongs` (
	`citizenid` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL COLLATE 'latin1_swedish_ci',
	`tolerance` INT(11) NOT NULL,
	`amount` INT(11) NOT NULL,
	`high` TINYINT(11) NOT NULL,
    `time` int(64) NOT NULL,

Preview Videos

Farming Crops Opening Clothing Store Front Counter Cutting Crops Getting and Smoking Bong Bong tables Rolling and Smoking Joints Cooking and using Cookies Cooking and using Gummies Stash and Snack Spawn Vehicle for Deliveries Built in Boss Menu and Clock in


Link to Purchase Escrow ($5.99): https://ns-scripts.tebex.io/package/5565797 Link to Purchase Open Source ($14.99): https://ns-scripts.tebex.io/package/5624527


Discord Link

Last updated