Config File

This is the default config file

Config = {
    Framework = "qb-core", -- framework folder name
    Target = "qb-target", -- qb-target or ox_target (If you have renamed qb-target then enter the name you have renamed it to)
    Debug = false,
    Notify = "qb",
    Menu = "qb", -- qb or ox
    Inv = "qb", -- qb qs or ox
    Phone = "qb", -- qb, qs or other. If you select other, open phone.lua and add your server phone trigger.
    Fuel = "LegacyFuel", -- "LegacyFuel" or "ps-fuel" or anyother which uses SetFuel Export
    Lean = {-- Lean Effects
        Enable = true, -- If you want to make it consumable
        armour = 30, -- %
        thirst = 50, -- %
        stress = 30, -- %
        consumetime = 5 -- Time in Seconds

    Codeine = {-- Codeine Bottle Effects. This will only apply on "codeine_bottle"
        Enable = true, -- If you want to make it consumable
        armour = 0, -- %
        thirst = 0, -- %
        stress = 30, -- %
        consumetime = 5 -- Time in Seconds

CodeineTruck = {
    initialLocations = vector4(-492.5, -347.88, 34.5, 0.08), -- Where to start mission
    Ped = { -- spawn peds at initialLocations
        Enabled = true,
        Model = "s_m_m_doctor_01",
    Blip = { -- Blip for initial location
        Enabled = true,
        Label = "Codeine Delivery",
        Sprite = 51,
        Scale = 0.7,
        Colour = 20,

    SpawnLocations = { -- Where Trucks may spawn
        [1] = vector4(854.98, -3145.19, 5.9, 5.57),
        [2] = vector4(963.58, -1707.19, 30.06, 177.17),
        [3] = vector4(-2013.07, -471.65, 11.52, 51.78),
    DeliveryLocations = { -- Where to deliver trucks
        [1] = vector4(-702.14, 5774.57, 17.33, 250.09),
        [2] = vector4(-186.81, 3687.05, 44.1, 210.98),
        [3] = vector4(271.42, -172.94, 60.54, 249.64),
        [4] = vector4(293.08, -610.11, 43.37, 254.83)

    CodeineOutput = math.random(3, 5), -- How much Codeine you recieve every delivery

    Vehicle = {
        model = 'pounder'

    BlackMarket = {
        label = "BlackMarket",
		slots = 1,
		items = { -- You need to add your own items here, any you want
			{ name = "trackerremover_device",       	 price = 400,    amount = 50,  info = {}, type = "item", slot = 1 },

    PoliceAlert = {
        Enable = true, -- true = Enable this feature, false = No alerts
        time = 30, -- How often does police get location of vehicle, in Seconds
        RemoveTrackerItem = {
            item = "trackerremover_device",
            time = 60,
            chips = 5,

Processing = {
    time = 15, -- time taken to process, in seconds
    CraftingLocations = { -- Location to create lean
        [1] = vector4(1394.59, 3600.98, 39.91, 203.6),
    Blip = {
        Enabled = true,
        Label = "Lean Processing",
        Sprite = 51,
        Scale = 0.7,
        Colour = 30,

    CraftingLean = {
        SoftDrinks = { 
            AmountNeeded = 2, -- Amount of Soft Drinks needed
            Items = { -- Drinks that can be used with codeine
                [1] = 'sprite',
        Codeine = {AmountNeeded = 2, Item = "codeine_bottle"},
        Cup = {AmountNeeded = 2, Item = "cup"} -- Amount Needed is also the amount of lean output

Locale = {
    ["DrugProcessing"] = "Drug Processing",
    ["IncorrectItems"] = "Lack Items, check your emails for which items are needed!",
    ["Cancelled"] = "Cancelled..",
    ["ProcessedLean"] = "Processed Lean",
    ["DrinkingLean"] = "Drinking Lean..",
    ["DrinkingCodeine"] = "Drinking Codeine..",

    -- Targetting
    ["LeanProcessing"] = "Lean Processing",
    ["StartCodeineDelivery"] = "Start Codeine Delivery",

    ["AlreadyInDelivery"] = "End Codeine Job",
    ["StartDelivery"] = "Start Codeine Job",
    ["ParkTruck"] = "[E] Park Truck",
    ["CancelDelivery"] = "Would You like to cancel your current delivery?",
    ["Yes"] = "Yes",
    ["NotVehicle"] = "You are not in a vehicle.."

Last updated