Config File

This is the default config file

-- If you need support I now have a discord available, it helps me keep track of issues and give better support.


Config = {
	Debug = false,  -- false to remove green boxes
	PrintDebug = false, -- false to remove f8 debug messages for the script

	-- Support Options
	Framework = "qb-core", -- framework folder name
	Target = "qb-target", -- qb-target or ox_target (If you have renamed qb-target then enter the name you have renamed it to)
	Menu = "qb", -- "qb" or "ox"
	Notify = "qb", -- "qb" or "okok" or "infinity" or "rr" or "t"
	Fuel = "LegacyFuel", -- "LegacyFuel" or "ps-fuel" or more 
	Inv = "qb", -- 'qb' or 'ox' or 'qs'
	Locale = "en",
	img = "qb-inventory/html/images/", -- Change this to your inventory's name and image folder (SET TO "" IF YOU HAVE DOUBLE IMAGES)
	Clothing = "qb-clothing", -- "illenium-appearance" or "fivem-appearance" or "qb-clothing" or "rcore_clothes" or "ak47_clothing"
	-- if your clothing is not listed above, find out what the event of it is and add it to clothing.lua. Create a ticket if assisstance required!!!

	UseRcorePool = true, -- If using mlo provided, and using rcore pool, enable to clear pool table, allowing players to play on the pool table inside whitewidow
	Locations = {
			Job = {
				name = "whitewidow",
				autoClock = { enter = true, exit = true, }, -- Turning these on will detect if the person has the job and auto clock them on or off
				zones = { -- Clockin/out zone
					vector2(214.04, -233.81),
					vector2(198.06, -275.28),
					vector2(147.99, -256.14),
					vector2(163.31, -218.23)
			Img = "", -- Image of business banner on cashRegister
			Blip = { enabled = true, name = "White Widow", coords = vector3(193.24, -244.53, 54.07), sprite = 469, color = 52, scale = 1.0, }, -- Blip Settings
			Booth = {
				enabled = true, -- Set false if using external DJ/Music stuff
				DefaultVolume = 0.1, -- 0.01 is lowest, 1.0 is max
				radius = 50, -- The radius of the sound from the booth
				coords = vector4(189.83, -256.02, 54.07, 75.07), -- Where the booth is located
				playing = false, -- Do not touch
			Vehicle = {
				enabled = true, -- Set false if you do not want to use this feature
				hash = '204sWhiteWidowVan', -- Hash of the vehicle to spawn
				spawnLocation = vector4(198.45, -277.61, 48.39, 252.49), -- Location at which the vehicle spawns at
				deposit = 100, -- Deposit of borrowing vehicle, given back if returned
				spawnerLocation = vector4(197.76, -265.13, 50.56, 337.94), -- Where the prop spawns to take out a vehicle when targetted
				plate = "WWIDOW", -- The plate number you want the vehicle to have
			Locations = {
				shop = {vector4(175.43, -239.87, 50.17, 170.0), }, -- Where employees go get ingredients and items
				cashRegister = {
					vector4(197.93, -235.71, 54.19, 116.55),
					vector4(188.02, -243.52, 54.98, 251.71),
					vector4(188.87, -241.03, 54.99, 253.36),
				cuttingWeed = { vector4(165.81, -235.84, 49.94, 270.0),}, -- Cutting weed into baggies
				rollingJoints = { vector4(185.65, -241.5, 54.12, 70.72), },
				cooking = { vector4(171.88, -234.58, 50.06, 341.65), },
				customerStorage = { vector4(188.5, -239.72, 54.12, 70.0) }, -- Trays, etc, Storage anyone can access
				employeeStorage = { vector4(180.03, -243.29, 53.42, 70.0), }, -- Shared Storage only for employees, for stock
				snackTable = { vector4(187.12, -247.45, 54.24, 71.12), },
				clothing = {
					vector4(174.17, -235.02, 50.06, 341.65),
					vector4(184.41, -241.88, 54.07, 341.65),
				clockin = { vector4(182.43, -250.22, 53.87, 135.0)},
				plantHarvesting = {
					["Skunk"] = {
						{coords = vector4(164.45, -248.43, 50.06, 340.0), length = 10.0, width = 1.0, },
					["OGKush"] = {
						{coords = vector4(166.15, -243.68, 50.07, 340.0), length = 10.0, width = 1.0, },
					["WhiteWidow"] = {
						{coords = vector4(170.62, -241.11, 50.88, 340.0), length = 5.0, width = 3.0, },
					["AK47"] = {
						{coords = vector4(165.66, -244.79, 50.06, 340.0), length = 10.0, width = 1.0, },
					["Amnesia"] = {
						{coords = vector4(165.31, -246.07, 50.06, 340.0), length = 10.0, width = 1.0, },
					["PurpleHaze"] = {
						{coords = vector4(164.94, -247.16, 50.06, 340.0), length = 10.0, width = 1.0, },
					["Gelato"] = {
						{coords = vector4(164.12, -239.78, 51.02, 340.0), length = 5.0, width = 1.0, },
					["Zkittlez"] = {
						{coords = vector4(164.95, -237.9, 51.07, 340.0), length = 5.0, width = 1.0, },
			PropTable = { -- Spawn props at certain locations, already set for white widow mlo provided. Leave empty if nothing required to spawn!
				{ prop = "prop_cooker_03", coords = vector4(171.88, -234.58, 50.06, 341.65) }, -- Cooker in basement to cook edibles

		-- Add more locations if you want to! Use above as template

	Chairs = { -- Add sitable chairs over here, Chairs of the mlo provided are already done.
		-- Table1
		{ coords = vector4(197.85, -246.37, 54.15, 255.52), stand = vector3(198.34, -246.44, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(198.85, -245.16, 54.15, 205.82), stand = vector3(199.06, -245.57, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(200.44, -245.1, 54.15, 202.39), stand = vector3(200.66, -245.48, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(198.14, -248.56, 54.07, 341.92), stand = vector3(198.4, -248.17, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(199.67, -249.16, 54.07, 346.58), stand = vector3(199.8, -248.67, 54.06) },
		{ coords = vector4(201.09, -248.43, 54.07, 76.05), stand = vector3(200.66, -248.13, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(201.62, -247.05, 54.07, 76.05), stand = vector3(201.13, -246.8, 54.07) },

		-- Table2
		{ coords = vector4(195.58, -252.18, 54.15, 250.54), stand = vector3(196.15, -252.25, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(195.49, -253.8, 54.15, 295.21), stand = vector3(196.0, -253.51, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(196.95, -254.91, 54.15, 342.26), stand = vector3(197.21, -254.37, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(199.22, -254.0, 54.07, 76.05), stand = vector3(198.54, -253.98, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(199.63, -252.74, 54.07, 76.05), stand = vector3(199.05, -252.52, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(198.84, -251.21, 54.07, 169.56), stand = vector3(198.68, -251.74, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(197.36, -250.6, 54.07, 169.56), stand = vector3(197.11, -251.18, 54.07) },

		-- Table3
		{ coords = vector4(197.84, -257.31, 54.07, 76.05), stand = vector3(197.4, -257.06, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(197.34, -258.79, 54.07, 76.05), stand = vector3(196.87, -258.53, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(195.91, -259.4, 54.07, 345.84), stand = vector3(198.68, -251.74, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(194.4, -258.86, 54.07, 345.84), stand = vector3(197.11, -251.18, 54.07) },

		-- Table4
		{ coords = vector4(195.46, -264.17, 54.07, 76.05), stand = vector3(194.88, -264.01, 54.06) },
		{ coords = vector4(195.96, -262.64, 54.07, 76.05), stand = vector3(195.41, -262.56, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(193.83, -260.77, 54.07, 169.56), stand = vector3(193.51, -261.25, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(195.21, -261.32, 54.07, 169.56), stand = vector3(194.92, -261.8, 54.07) },

		-- Table5
		{ coords = vector4(194.27, -267.51, 54.07, 76.05), stand = vector3(193.73, -267.16, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(193.67, -268.9, 54.07, 76.05), stand = vector3(193.19, -268.65, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(192.25, -269.68, 54.07, 345.84), stand = vector3(192.41, -269.14, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(190.72, -269.1, 54.07, 345.84), stand = vector3(191.0, -268.63, 54.07) },

		-- Table6
		{ coords = vector4(185.65, -265.1, 54.15, 77.95), stand = vector3(185.05, -265.21, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(184.34, -262.63, 54.15, 136.57), stand = vector3(184.02, -263.21, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(182.25, -263.22, 54.07, 253.6), stand = vector3(182.86, -263.26, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(181.71, -264.73, 54.07, 253.6), stand = vector3(182.39, -264.71, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(182.44, -266.17, 54.07, 345.84), stand = vector3(182.74, -265.6, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(183.95, -266.75, 54.07, 345.84), stand = vector3(184.25, -266.17, 54.07) },

		-- Table7
		{ coords = vector4(187.86, -259.04, 54.15, 76.21), stand = vector3(187.23, -258.81, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(186.98, -260.16, 54.15, 28.77), stand = vector3(186.59, -259.68, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(185.35, -260.21, 54.15, 339.18), stand = vector3(185.58, -259.63, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(184.04, -258.4, 54.07, 253.6), stand = vector3(184.6, -258.56, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(184.56, -256.91, 54.07, 253.6), stand = vector3(185.12, -257.12, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(186.18, -256.09, 54.07, 169.56), stand = vector3(185.85, -256.73, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(187.5, -256.76, 54.07, 169.56), stand = vector3(187.32, -257.27, 54.07) },

		-- Table8
		{ coords = vector4(190.03, -253.3, 54.15, 97.21), stand = vector3(189.49, -253.51, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(189.86, -251.71, 54.15, 113.85), stand = vector3(189.42, -252.01, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(188.74, -250.57, 54.15, 158.64), stand = vector3(188.54, -251.1, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(186.51, -251.55, 54.07, 253.6), stand = vector3(187.06, -251.71, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(186.03, -253.0, 54.07, 253.6), stand = vector3(186.57, -253.11, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(186.64, -254.53, 54.07, 345.84), stand = vector3(186.88, -253.94, 54.07) },
		{ coords = vector4(188.17, -254.96, 54.07, 345.84), stand = vector3(188.4, -254.5, 54.07) },

	CuttingCrops = {
		RequiredItem = "drug_shears", -- Set to nil if you dont want to have a required item
		ProgressItem = {
			Skunk = {min = 7000, max = 12000},
			OGKush = {min = 7000, max = 12000},
			WhiteWidow = {min = 7000, max = 12000},
			AK47 = {min = 7000, max = 12000},
			Amnesia = {min = 7000, max = 12000},
			PurpleHaze = {min = 7000, max = 12000},
			Gelato = {min = 7000, max = 12000},
			Zkittlez = {min = 7000, max = 12000},
		Quantity = {
			Skunk = {min = 2, max = 4},
			OGKush = {min = 2, max = 4},
			WhiteWidow = {min = 2, max = 3},
			AK47 = {min = 1, max = 3},
			Amnesia = {min = 1, max = 3},
			PurpleHaze = {min = 1, max = 2},
			Gelato = {min = 2, max = 3},
			Zkittlez = {min = 1, max = 3},
		Chance = {-- Chance of Success when farming, in percentage (i.e. 100 = no failure)
			Skunk = 90,
			OGKush = 70,
			WhiteWidow = 70,
			AK47 = 40,
			Amnesia = 60,
			PurpleHaze = 30,
			Gelato = 70,
			Zkittlez = 40,

	-- Bong
	SmokeTime = 2.8, -- For Bong in seconds
	HighTime = 30, -- For Bong in seconds
	Bong = 'prop_bong_01',
	Tolerance = {
		[10] = {high = 1, sick = 3},
		[20] = {high = 3, sick = 5},
		[30] = {high = 5, sick = 7},
		[40] = {high = 7, sick = 9},
		[50] = {high = 9, sick = 11},
	Strains = { -- what items you can use to smoke bong
	bongtables = { -- Locations of tables with bongs to smoke
		[1] = vector3(199.54, -247.01, 53.07),
		[2] = vector3(195.73, -257.55, 53.07),
		[3] = vector3(193.71, -263.11, 53.07),
		[4] = vector3(192.02, -267.75, 53.07),
		[5] = vector3(183.75, -264.74, 53.07),
		[6] = vector3(186.01, -258.53, 53.07),
		[7] = vector3(197.35, -253.1, 53.07),
		[8] = vector3(188.09, -252.81, 53.07),

	-- Joints
	Joint = {
		SmokeTime = 5.5,  -- For Joint in seconds; Time taken to smoke a joint
		Armour = { -- Out of 100
			Skunk = math.random(1,5),
			OGKush = math.random(3,8),
			AK47 = math.random(9,13),
			WhiteWidow = math.random(5,11),
			Amnesia = math.random(1,5),
			PurpleHaze = math.random(3,8),
			Gelato = math.random(9,13),
			Zkittlez = math.random(5,11),
		Stress = { -- Out of 100
			Skunk = math.random(1,5),
			OGKush = math.random(3,8),
			AK47 = math.random(9,13),
			WhiteWidow = math.random(5,11),
			Amnesia = math.random(1,5),
			PurpleHaze = math.random(3,8),
			Gelato = math.random(9,13),
			Zkittlez = math.random(5,11),

	-- Cookies
	Cookie = {
		EatTime = 6.5,
		Health = 5, -- Only available for cookie since it has a health effect
		Armour = { -- Out of 100
			Skunk = math.random(1,5),
			AK47 = math.random(9,13),
			WhiteWidow = math.random(5,11),
		Seconds = { -- amount of seconds you want health to be given, more seconds = more health 
			Skunk = math.random(1,5),
			AK47 = math.random(9,13),
			WhiteWidow = math.random(5,11),
		Stress = { -- Out of 100
			Skunk = math.random(1,5),
			AK47 = math.random(9,13),
			WhiteWidow = math.random(5,11),

	-- Gummys
	Gummy = {
		EatTime = 3.5,
		Armour = { -- Out of 100
			Strawberry = math.random(10,15),
			Raspberry = math.random(10,15),
		Stress = { -- Out of 100
			Strawberry = math.random(10,15),
			Raspberry = math.random(10,15),

	StorageItems = { -- For job only players, to get items to sell or craft food
		label = "Storage",
		slots = 17,
		items = {
			{ name = "eggs", price = 0, amount = 50, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 1, },
			{ name = "flour", price = 0, amount = 50, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 2, },
			{ name = "sugar", price = 0, amount = 50, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 3, },
			{ name = "gelatine", price = 0, amount = 50, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 4, },
			{ name = "butter", price = 0, amount = 50, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 5, },
			{ name = "bakingsoda", price = 0, amount = 50, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 6, },
			{ name = "gummymould", price = 0, amount = 50, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 7, },
			{ name = "chocolatechips", price = 0, amount = 50, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 8, },
			{ name = "raspberry", price = 0, amount = 50, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 9, },
			{ name = "strawberry", price = 0, amount = 50, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 10, },
			{ name = "milk", price = 0, amount = 50, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 11, },
			{ name = "empty_weed_bag", price = 0, amount = 1000, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 12 },
			{ name = "rolling_paper", price = 0, amount = 2000, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 13 },
			{ name = "lighter", price = 0, amount = 1000, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 14 },
			{ name = "bong", price = 0, amount = 1000, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 15 },
			{ name = "whitewidow_menu", price = 0, amount = 1000, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 16 },
			{ name = "drug_shears", price = 0, amount = 1, info = {}, type = "item", slot = 17 }
	SnackTable = { -- Items list for snack table, not job restricted, for any player
		label = "Shop",
		slots = 4,
		items = { -- You need to add your own items here, any you want
			{ name = "kurkakola",       	 price = 3,    amount = 100,  info = {}, type = "item", slot = 1 },
			{ name = "water_bottle",         price = 2,    amount = 100,  info = {}, type = "item", slot = 2 },
			{ name = "twerks_candy",         price = 2,    amount = 100,  info = {}, type = "item", slot = 3 },
			{ name = "snikkel_candy",        price = 2,    amount = 100,  info = {}, type = "item", slot = 4 },

Crafting = {
	Joints = {
		{ ['weed_skunk_cbd_joint'] = { ['weed_skunk_cbd'] = 1, ['rolling_paper'] = 3, }, ["amount"] = math.random(1, 4) },
		{ ['weed_og-kush_cbd_joint'] = { ['weed_og-kush_cbd'] = 1, ['rolling_paper'] = 3, }, ["amount"] = math.random(1, 4) },
		{ ['weed_white-widow_cbd_joint'] = { ['weed_white-widow_cbd'] = 1, ['rolling_paper'] = 3, }, ["amount"] = math.random(1, 4) },
		{ ['weed_ak47_cbd_joint'] = { ['weed_ak47_cbd'] = 1, ['rolling_paper'] = 3, }, ["amount"] = math.random(1, 4) },
		{ ['weed_amnesia_cbd_joint'] = { ['weed_amnesia_cbd'] = 1, ['rolling_paper'] = 3, }, ["amount"] = math.random(1, 4) },
		{ ['weed_purple-haze_cbd_joint'] = { ['weed_purple-haze_cbd'] = 1, ['rolling_paper'] = 3, }, ["amount"] = math.random(1, 4) },
		{ ['weed_gelato_cbd_joint'] = { ['weed_gelato_cbd'] = 1, ['rolling_paper'] = 3, }, ["amount"] = math.random(1, 4) },
		{ ['weed_zkittlez_cbd_joint'] = { ['weed_zkittlez_cbd'] = 1, ['rolling_paper'] = 3, }, ["amount"] = math.random(1, 4) },
	Food = {
		{ ['strawberrygummybear'] = { ['gummymould'] = 1, ['strawberry'] = 1, ['gelatine'] = 1, ['sugar'] = 1, ['weed_og-kush_cbd'] = 1, }, ["amount"] = math.random(5, 7) },
		{ ['raspberrygummybear'] = { ['gummymould'] = 1, ['raspberry'] = 1, ['gelatine'] = 1, ['sugar'] = 1, ['weed_og-kush_cbd'] = 1, }, ["amount"] = math.random(5, 7) },
		{ ['ak47cookie'] = { ['eggs'] = 1, ['flour'] = 1, ['butter'] = 1, ['bakingsoda'] = 1, ['milk'] = 1, ['weed_ak47_cbd'] = 1, }, ["amount"] = math.random(3, 5) },
		{ ['skunkcookie'] = { ['eggs'] = 1, ['flour'] = 1, ['butter'] = 1, ['bakingsoda'] = 1, ['milk'] = 1, ['weed_skunk_cbd'] = 1, }, ["amount"] = math.random(3, 5) },
		{ ['wwcookie'] = { ['eggs'] = 1, ['flour'] = 1, ['butter'] = 1, ['bakingsoda'] = 1, ['milk'] = 1, ['weed_white-widow_cbd'] = 1, }, ["amount"] = math.random(3, 5) },
	Trimming = {
		{ ['weed_skunk_cbd'] = { ['weed_skunk_cbd_crop'] = 1, ['empty_weed_bag'] = 20, }, ["amount"] = math.random(1, 3) },
		{ ['weed_og-kush_cbd'] = { ['weed_og-kush_cbd_crop'] = 1, ['empty_weed_bag'] = 20, }, ["amount"] = math.random(1, 3) },
		{ ['weed_white-widow_cbd'] = { ['weed_white-widow_cbd_crop'] = 1, ['empty_weed_bag'] = 20, }, ["amount"] = math.random(1, 3) },
		{ ['weed_ak47_cbd'] = { ['weed_ak47_cbd_crop'] = 1, ['empty_weed_bag'] = 20, }, ["amount"] = math.random(1, 3) },
		{ ['weed_amnesia_cbd'] = { ['weed_amnesia_cbd_crop'] = 1, ['empty_weed_bag'] = 20, }, ["amount"] = math.random(1, 3) },
		{ ['weed_purple-haze_cbd'] = { ['weed_purple-haze_cbd_crop'] = 1, ['empty_weed_bag'] = 20, }, ["amount"] = math.random(1, 3) },
		{ ['weed_gelato_cbd'] = { ['weed_gelato_cbd_crop'] = 1, ['empty_weed_bag'] = 20, }, ["amount"] = math.random(1, 3) },
		{ ['weed_zkittlez_cbd'] = { ['weed_zkittlez_cbd_crop'] = 1, ['empty_weed_bag'] = 20, }, ["amount"] = math.random(1, 3) },

Last updated